Important information and developments

✅Summary of information in one place and minor changes in organisation.
(The English version is below the Polish version)

ℹ Useful links:
➡ Tournament information, tournament system and rules and regulations with schedule:
➡ accommodation base:
➡ List of participants:

ℹAddress of the tournament: White Eagle Primary School, Szkolna 1, 43-419 Zamarski.

ℹChanges in the organisation:
➡ in case of downpour, thunderstorms and high winds the After party (+DYP) on Saturday or the prize-giving on Sunday will be cancelled (a little rain won't hurt, there will be a tent, please adjust your clothing for an outdoor event)
➡ due to the withdrawal of one of our logistics partners, we will not provide transport for the play-off players from their accommodation to the finals. The 50% subsidy remains unchanged and will be awarded to the players of Sunday's play-off. (finals)

ℹStages of the tournament
➡ catering area
➡ changing rooms
➡ tournament hall
➡ Children's animation room

‼️🚱 NO USE OF ALCOHOL AND NARCOTICS ON SCHOOL GROUNDS (including the playing field and adjacent areas). Violation of the ban = removal from the list of tournament participants. Special areas will be designated for smokers.

ℹ Useful links:
➡ Information about the tournament, system, and regulations along with the schedule:
➡ Accommodation database:
➡ List of participants:

ℹ Tournament Address: White Eagle Primary School, Szkolna 1, 43-419 Zamarski

ℹ Organisational Changes:
➡ In the event of heavy rain, storms, or strong winds, the After Party (+ DYP) on Saturday or the award ceremony on Sunday will be canceled (a light drizzle won't hurt, there will be a tent, please dress accordingly for the outdoor event).
➡ Due to the withdrawal of one of the logistical partners, we will not provide transportation for playoff players from accommodation to the final area. The 50% subsidy remains unchanged and will be awarded to players of the Sunday playoff phase (finals).

ℹ Tournament Zones:
➡ Gastronomic zone
➡ Changing rooms
➡ Tournament hall
➡ Children's animation room

‼️🚱 ALCOHOL AND DRUGS ARE PROHIBITED ON THE SCHOOL GROUNDS (including the field and adjacent areas). Violation of the prohibition = removal from the tournament participant list. Special smoking zones will be designated for smokers.

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