Jarosław Wanatowicz

Jarosław Wanatowicz

Long-time board member and player of the Krakow Tableball Club. Club champion of Poland 2023. Gold medallist in the national league finals from the 2022/23 season and silver medallist in the open doubles category for the 2021/22 season. Pucharu Sołtysa participant. 

Puchar Sołtysa w futbolu stołowym

Toughest opponent of your career?

I've always maintained that anyone can be beaten, but I can't hide the fact that playing against Tony Spredeman made quite an impression on me - he's actually that good.

Toughest match during Pucharu Sołtysa?

A match in the open doubles for Mateusz Fudale and Sebastian Gąsior for the semi-final, despite a close 100% efficiency in going for five, and almost flawless play from the front, two unused snares in the fifth set decided the loss.

Favourite technique/play?

Dynamic and non-standard play is what I enjoy the most. Favourite shots are certainly slants on the snare, various strange situational shots preceded by deceptions and dodges, one of which even lived up to its own name, the so-called vanatics. As for the five, here I rely on speed and a variety of plays, I don't have one basic pass, rather it's a multitude of different plays with which I try to surprise my opponent.

Favourite table?

Currently it is Leonhart, but I make no secret of the fact that I have a great affection for Garlando.

Favourite foosball competition?

It's hard to make a clear-cut choice... however, choosing between 2 ball, dip, doubles and singles, I'll point to singles.

Biggest career success?

Definitely winning the open singles category in the 2022/23 national league finals, which was played in Krakow. It was the first tournament that I approached "professionally" and managed to beat everyone.

What do you miss about football as a sport?

Certainly, despite the fact that practically everyone has played foosball at some point in their lives and is very fond of the game, practically every IT company has a table, this potential does not translate into the sporting aspect. With a lack of places to play outside the training centres of several centres in Poland, foosball is practically non-existent in media coverage. This translates into a lack of financial rewards and sponsors, and more and more top players have to give up playing regularly because, apart from the sheer fun, it is not profitable.

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