Tomasz Lesinski

Tomasz Lesinski

Member of the Cracow Table Ball Club. Participant and one of the best players of Pucharu Sołtysa. Winner of 4 editions in Open Doubles. Club Champion of Poland 2023. Participant in the European Champions League 2023.

Puchar Sołtysa w futbolu stołowym

Toughest opponent of your career?

K.Warzecha / G.Zawiłowicz. As I have managed to win with each of them in the past, together they are some combination of Terminator and Godzilla-they are Invincible.

Toughest match during Pucharu Sołtysa?

Quarter-final of the 5th edition of Vojtech Holub / Rdek Drda.

Favourite technique/play?

From the first, on the stick, just to get ahead.

Favourite table?

Each with three players already ready to play.

Favourite foosball competition?

2ball speedball.

Biggest career success?

Club Championship of Poland 2023 and 6th place at the European Champions League in Rome 2023.

What do you miss about football as a sport?

There's an assumption in the question that I don't agree with, because in Poland football is not treated as a sport and I think that's what I'm missing.

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