The tournament team

Marcin Ścibik
Head of tournament

Originator and head of the tournament. Founder of AKFS Zamarski, Foosland Foundation and ZamarskiTV. Vice-president of the Association of Zamarsk Lovers. Co-organiser of many events in Zamarska, including Świynto Dziedzina. Owner of Adplanet marketing agency. Responsible for the entire tournament - mainly for marketing, tournament format and attracting sponsors. Administrator of website.

Claudius Zawada
Village Mayor of Zamarski

Village Mayor Zamarski. Member of the Tournament Board. Great community worker and initiator of many activities, including Świynto Dziedzina, Zamarskie Feast, outdoor cinema. Co-organiser of the tournament, which he has supported since its inception. Thanks to his activities, the village of Zamarski is recognised nationally. "Village Leader of the Year 2017" in a nationwide competition organised by the National Association of Village Leaders and the "Village Gazette". President of the Zamarsk Lovers' Association.

Michał Brzęczek
Technical office

Member of the Tournament Board, manager of the Amateur Tournament and secretary of AFKS Zamarski. Firefighter of TSO Zamarski and leader of MDP Zamarski. Participant in the tournament since the first edition. Actively involved in the organisation of the tournament since the 2nd edition.

Tomasz Koliński
Technical office

Member of the Tournament Board and AKFS Zamarski player. Actively involved in the organisation of the tournament since the 2nd edition. Performer of the "Fooscalibur" award. 

Adrian Wiecheć
Competition Bureau

Member of the Tournament Board and chairman of the competition office. AKFS Zamarski competitor. Associated with the tournament since the 3rd edition.

Natalia Pustówka
Technical office

Member of the Tournament Board. AKFS Zamarski player. Associated with the tournament since the 4th edition and the amateur tournament since the 1st edition.

Damian Leśniak
Competition Bureau

Member of the Tournament Board. AKFS Zamarski player. Associated with the tournament since the 5th edition and with the amateur tournament since the 1st edition.

Marcin Snopkowski
Chief referee

Long-time licensed referee and titled player of the Toruń Table Football Club, organiser of tournaments and Polish representative. He has many national and international successes to his credit.

Paulina Plum
Competition Bureau

Member of the tournament office. Associated with the tournament since the 4th edition and with the amateur tournament since the 1st edition.

Lukasz Kowalczuk
Competition Bureau

Member of the competition office. Owner of 'Domowa Wędzarnia', which supplies its products to the culinary area of the tournament. Associated with the tournament since the 3rd edition.

Piotr Palac
Support for the tournament

Member of AKFS Zamarski. Actively involved in the organisation of the tournament since the 2nd edition. "Helping hand of the tournament". Owner of MW Technology, which is one of the sponsors of the tournament.

Other members of AKFS Zamarski and residents of Zamarsk are also helping to organise the tournament, for which the THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

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